CLIENT: Oceans of Hope
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 13 Sept 2023
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT: White Watch
We started the day with a successful watch from midnight to four am, which included a visit from the skipper who confirmed everything was shipshape. Once everyone was awake and had enjoyed pancakes for breakfast, we lifted anchor and headed down the river so we could fuel the ship. Along the way we passed the naval patrol boat, Larrakia.
Once fuelled we raised the sails and headed towards Moreton Island. We passed a large car freighter and multiple small crafts. We then sailed past the Young Endeavour who, much to our delight, gave us a rousing war cry. We replied with an enthusiastic hip hip hooray.
During our sail we spotted jellyfish, crabs, a dolphin, and a loose … fender. We weren’t able to retrieve the fender on the first try so we had to circle back, only to miss a second time by mere centimetres. This is now our parting gift to the bay.
Two tacks kept us busy during our cruise to Moreton Island. We set anchor, and those brave few amongst us took the opportunity to dive on into the sea.
With lots of fun and laughter, the day passed quickly, and finished with another entertaining round of highs and lows. Lots of highs and very few lows, and some great stories from skipper Jim and a sing-a-long with watch leaders Kate and Steve.