CLIENT: Oceans of Hope
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 10 Sept 2023
POSITION: Blakesleys, North Stradbroke Is
REPORT: White Watch
It was amazing weather: windy, sunny, no rain, fresh and a happy environment. In the words of Ray, “we made it off the jetty.” We had a man overboard – or rather a boy/buoy. We succeeded in the drill, we rescued the buoy and brought him back on board.
The Kiwis started the day in shorts and tee shirts, Aussies in sweaters and trousers! As the weather cooled down, the Kiwis relented. Baggiewrinkles were renamed by the white watch team to Possums. Wonder what we will rename tomorrow?
White watch was the first on up for tacking and we rocked it. It was a load of fun, we learned to walk the walls. Some bloke who will be anonymous for his sake (is that okay Mick?) fell over twice in the same shower in the same head.
We learnt some new words today – sheet, snubbing, foresail, and some useful hand signals too! We had extra company, turtles, dolphins, a guy windsurfing on a foil board going so fast you would have thought he had an outboard motor. Like the Silver Surfer.
Lots of exercise – up and down the stairs, hauling ropes. We should have brought our pedometer. The meals are divine, the food delicious, the company fantastic. We’ll be back tomorrow. Four more days to go.