CLIENT: Somerset College
FROM: Hervey Bay to Manly
DATE: 5 Sept 2023
POSITION: Inskip Point
REPORT: Blue Watch
Once again, the day started bright and early at 6:30 in the morning. The bugle sounds and we know that ahead, lies a long and eventful day. A quick cereal breakfast as everyone scrambles to get changed before a 7 am knotting competition. Which knot lied ahead of us all this morning? The dastardly clove hitch. For once, it wasn’t that pesky White Watch team that took out the win, but instead the mighty Blue Watch took victory and triumphed.
The last of the late risers got changed with a hot breakfast of tinned spaghetti on toast with some hashbrowns that mostly stayed off the floor, before we all headed up to deck to prepare to get going. The sails were raised and we set off from Moon Point, instead of the originally proposed resting point of Platypus Bay. It was a long day of looking out for our green and red markers, keeping them on starboard and port side respectively. After our watch from 10 to 12 a few of our blue watch headed up to the bowsprit and laid on the net as the water rushed past.
As we docked at the South of Fraser Island, a few of the boys of the group jumped ship and swam to shore. A quick stop to shore and a game of gridiron, then we swam back to ship and got changed before dinner. Stories and jokes around the dinner table capped off another amazing day out on the ocean.