CLIENT: Remote Islands Voyage
FROM: Rosslyn Bay to Mackay
DATE: 27 May 2022
POSITION: Hunter Is, Dukes Group
REPORT BY: Red Watch
A very relaxed day. Gently rolling along under clear blue sky on green water. The weather was kind to us today – a gift for us all for Richard’s birthday. We motor sailed along the coastline which was very picturesque – changeable and interesting. Sheer cliffs and green hills. Accompanied by flying fish – flashes of silver as they jumped out of the water.
The raising of the sails was also much more enjoyable today. The breeze was not as strong, the swell not as large and everything was much less stressful. Possibly we were more skilled. There were a few grateful sailors who didn’t have to deal with feeling queasy – not even a hint of sea sickness today.
There was no better place for drinking your cup of tea or coffee this morning than on the deck. Lots of interesting, easy conversations on our beautiful deck.
Another highlight was arriving at Hunter Island in the Duke Group of Islands and getting off for a swim and a walk. The water was beautiful and warm. The island has fascinating geology and there was the opportunity for those who were keen to walk to the top of one of the hills on the island and take in the spectacular view to the North. We were there during ‘golden hour’ and the light was beautiful and made everything look gorgeous. The island has a population of deer – some with impressive antlers and these could be seen – silhouetted against the setting sun. Very majestic.
And last but not least a treat at the end of the day – a chorus of happy birthdays rang out and Richard shared his chocolate birthday cake.