CLIENT: Trinity Anglican School
FROM: Cairns to Townsville
DATE: 13 July 2023
POSITION: Horseshoe Bay, Magnetic Is
REPORT: White Watch
Today’s trip was 45nm as the crow flies, heading for paradise and calm at Horseshoe Bay, 40nm as the crow flies away. We were woken up at 6:30 am when we were anchored off Orpheus Island and ate bacon and eggs with toast for breakfast as the sun rose. We then manually raised anchor and commenced our sailing for the day heading back towards the mainland.
On the way, we needed to ensure that we avoided Pandora Reef to avert any potential dangers. As the different watches worked their way through the tasks assigned to them, we then tacked back out to sea into the waves. Lunch was some delicious burritos which we ate on the deck in the sunshine and fresh breeze. We adjusted course to head towards Rattlesnake Island and then tacked again towards Cape Pallarenda.
When we were close, the sails were lowered, and we motored south-east towards Magnetic Island. The watches ate dinner and wrote logs as we sailed past West Point towards Horseshoe Bay. Finally, we made it to Horseshoe Bay for our last night on the voyage.