CLIENT: Trinity Anglican School
FROM: Cairns to Townsville
DATE: 10 July 2023
POSITION: Fitzroy Is
REPORT: White Watch
Our riveting day began with an introduction to the procedures of the ship, The South Passage, and separation into three watch groups. With 5 hours of sailing ahead of us we commenced our expedition at 10:30am. We sailed 26 nautical miles from Cairns Marlin Marina to Fitzroy Island, battling 20-25knt winds and drenching waves. Collectively, we did a total of three tacks, executed with flying colours especially in harsh conditions. All while the ship was on a significant lean. This resulted in around 3 people being seasick, but as champs they battled through.
Upon arrival at Fitzroy Island, after lowering sails, securing the anchor and tidying the deck, it was time for a well-deserved swim. We splashed around, leaped off the ship and snorkelled from the beach off Fitzroy Island. A lucky few snorkellers saw two turtles, a stingray and even a shark.
After everyone regrouped back on the ship, a knotting competition was held and the Red Watch team came first with a time of 1:24mins which was only 1s faster than second place which was blue watch. Overall, we had an exhilarating day as beginner sailors, with an exciting journey ahead.