CLIENT: Mullumbimby HS
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 29 March 2023
POSITION: Lucinda Bay, Moreton Is
REPORT: Blue Watch
This morning our watch woke up to a beautiful breakfast before commencing our figure of eight knot competition. At 9:30 am we began motoring around the corner to Tangalooma wrecks. Once we arrived at the anchoring point, we got ferried in to the sand dunes where Scarlett, Katie, Billy, Finn B and Harriet did some serious sandboarding. Then bilbo came off his board and ate a ton of sand.
When it was finally our turn to snorkel, we did some sick lad flips out of the dingy where we very quickly spotted a juvenile sea turtle and some massive parrot fish. It was truly beautiful. Wayne was extremely observant in the water and was a great aid in pointing out cool looking fish to the rest of his group.
Our next activity was a backstay competition in which relay teams {watch groups} competed to see who could rig and then unrig their backstay the fastest. White watch won.
Our afternoon began with some delicious burgers (the Burgers are better at Hugh’s).
We spent the afternoon sailing to Cape Moreton and then sailed back at night. We then anchored back at the sand hills in the dark. Scarlett, Taj, Lucas, Katie and Harriet