CLIENT: Silkwood School
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 7 May 2022
POSITION: Tangalooma, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
We woke up after our trip to the ocean and humorously enough several people were confounded on the topic if we were in the ocean or Moreton Bay. We then had pancakes for breakfast. After breakfast, we weighed anchor to head around the sandbank blocking off Tangalooma on the way we had lunch.
Once we arrived, we prepared to go snorkelling – though some abstained – in the wrecks off Tangalooma. An interesting fact that some of our Watch learned while over on the island was that the ships were old ships that were decommissioned, moved to the shore of the island, and deliberately wrecked to provide a wind and wave break for small crafts. In the wrecks there was an innumerable number of fish to the entertaining point where you could not swim without having several dart away in a colourful and graceful display, additionally one reported that there was either a shark or a barracuda in the wreck – they could not see well enough – fortunately it stayed away. While there several people – with the help of Scott – managed to do a backflip.
After coming back from the island, we had a knot tying competition which Red Watch won, with us in second place by around eight seconds, and Blue Watch followed with a ten second gap in third. Following the competition we had dinner – lamb with gravy, pumpkin, potato, and beans with custard and fruit for dessert in a delicious concoction with which we pay our respect and compliments to the chef. After dinner we played Spoons, challenged each other with riddles, and had a few arm wrestles. Then we had our elections for Command Day, with Mac and Kai from Blue Watch, Ayken and Adam from Red Watch, and Riley (B), Hunter, and Eden from White Watch as those nominated by the staff. Eden was the first elected and was tasked to be our Skipper, followed by Mac for Sailing Master, and Ayken for Navigation. After that the Watches selected their individual watch leaders with Shaun for Blue –temporarily split fifty/fifty with Kai, Oliver for Red, and Hunter – unanimously – for White.
At that the events of the day have been documented in a hopefully illuminating and entertaining way and as we drift off – with regard to sleep not location, we assure you – for the night several of us – among not just White Watch – express their opinions on the end of this adventure, this rite of passage. Some are excited to go home to electronics, candy, and showers longer than a minute, others are saddened for leaving the friends among the staff we have made, for leaving the ship where everyday is an adventure of unique experience and lifelong memory, and some are lamenting on the bittersweet feeling of leaving the place where we have made deep bonds of friendship with those who we barely knew. To those reading, I thank them and ask if they know someone who has gone on this voyage about their experiences and if they’re reading in an aid to wonder if they should step onto the deck themselves, I vehemently encourage them too.