CLIENT: The Cathedral School
FROM: Townsville To: Townsville
DATE: 8 August 2019
POSITION: Pelorus Is
REPORT BY: Group B Red Watch
On Wednesday, we first saw the South Passage sail the surrounding water just off Orpheus Island. The first time we saw it was as the sun was just hitting the water, making it a spectacular view for all in group B, which were cooking dinner. The following morning we packed up camp at Orpheus Island and traded places with group A, the first time we set foot on the South Passage.
Not long after boarding the South Passage there was a safety briefing and what was expected of us during the two day sail. A well prepared lunch was served by the cook, Hugh. After lunch was the learning of the ropes for our big day of sailing which followed. Once all groups learned the basic rope skills, they were put to the test. Group leaders were picked for each colour and Mick was picked for the red group. Under all the pressure Mick’s leadership brought the red group to come through with the first win, ending the day on a high. Not long after, Hugh served us with a lovely dinner of pork chops, mash, gravy and carrots and dessert.