CLIENT: The Cathedral School
FROM: Townsville To: Townsville
DATE: 13 August 2019
REPORT BY: Group E White Watch
The very eventful day started early for a few brave students who were up at four AM for their first early morning watch. They took the bearings of fixed points to check our position and then recorded it in a journal entry. Then at five the next group of students were up to check the bearings again. At 6:00 AM all of white watch were awaken and were given the delightful job of polishing all the brass on the ship and then much to our pleasure were able to awaken all the other students to the deafening sound of the bugle.
We had breakfast and then completed a knotting competition which unfortunately white didn’t take the win for, but there is always tomorrow! We then lifted the anchor and set the sails, while doing this we saw a magnificent mother whale and her calf! We also saw two of the other groups on Pelorus Island and showed off our amazing ship and how much fun we were having! We were then put on watch again and rotated through jobs of helm, starboard and port watch and the deck check. The wind got rougher throughout the day and we had a thrilling time changing the sails to move the boat the opposite way.
Our day continued with two more excellent meals made by our amazing cook Hugh and a quick visit to Cardwell to get supplies. The day was completed with a late night watch from eight to ten and then to a good night sleep for us all.