CLIENT: Lorien Novalis School
FROM: Port Stephens To: Sydney
DATE: 28 October 2019
POSITION: Broughton Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
In the morning we polished the brass before the rest of the watches woke up. Per routine we did a knot tying competition, of the figure of eight knot. We then manually raised the anchor, taking turns pumping water with the manual pump and raising the chain with the capstan. Next we began preparations to raise the sails, and had each watch care for a specific sail. White Watch raised the Jib and the Staysail.
Today we sailed out into open ocean for the first time and anchored at Broughton Island for the night. After spending the afternoon exploring the island and swimming, we learnt and competed in tying a bowline knot. Tonight is our first late night watch, going from 8pm to midnight. Tomorrow we hope to sail 80 nautical miles south to Broken Bay.