CLIENT: Trinity Anglican School
FROM: Cairns To: Townsville
DATE: 20 July 2019
POSITION: Fitzroy Is
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
We all arrived at Yorkey’s Knob at 8am and sorted into our groups and had a briefing. We then met our watch leaders who would be with us on our voyage. Once on board we quickly learned how to properly walk around the ship after making the mistake of walking the wrong way down the stairs. We sailed out of Yorkey’s Knob preparing to raise the sails. Blue watch raised the head sails. In our groups we learned how to tack and we began practicing some knots including the reef knot, figure of 8 and the round turn with two half hitches. We then proceeded to sail steadily working efficiently within our watch groups to Fitzroy Island.
Upon arriving, we anchored and decided to take a swim which included jumping, flipping and diving overboard. We then proceeded to take on the challenge of climbing up the front of the ship to kiss the figurehead mermaid. Only a few were successful with most falling to the depths below. During this time many of our crew decided to ride the tender over to Fitzroy Island and enjoy its sunny shores. After returning to South Passage we took part in a harrowing rope knotting competition with Blue, White and Red watches all vying for victory with Blue watch pulling steadily almost easily into the win.
It was late and time for dinner. Hugh cooked a delicacy; tender chicken, warm vegies and rice along with a succulent apple pie for desert.