CLIENT: General Public Voyage
FROM: Townsville To: Cairns
DATE: 18 July 2019
POSITION: Fitzroy Is
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
After breakfast at 0600 we raised anchor by capstan and raised sail at approximately 0700 hours as ship cleared Mourilyan Harbour. Set a course direct for Russell Island under foresail mainsail and jib with engine running. Wind was a light SW at 5-10 knots. After passing Russell island at approx. 1200 hours (when Blue Watch was called), wind varied to the SE at 10-15 knots and remained steady for the rest of the day.
After arriving at Fitzroy Island, the crew had time to go ashore to walk, swim, snorkel, relax and explore the delights of Fitzroy Island. We then returned for a magnificent Reef and Beef dinner prepared by Hugh followed by cheesecake.
The finale to the day was the on deck entertainment under the fairy lights and eventually the full moon when it rose behind the island. The musical item was a four part harmony involving all on board and our visitors taught to us by Lachlan whose skills enabled us all to give an amazing rendition of “When the Lion Sleeps Tonight”.