CLIENT: Emerald Christian College
FROM: Rosslyn Bay To: Airlie Beach
DATE: 1 June 2019
POSITION: Nara Inlet, Hook Is
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Today, Red Watch was on shift at 4.00 to 6.00 in the morning before polishing the brass on the helm, bell, bugle and plaque. We woke up the rest of the Emerald Christian College crew with the bugle, followed by loud shouting since some people refused to get up straight away.
Today was the sixth day of the South Passage trip and it was the day that the school took over command of the ship’s sailing and navigating (Command Day). Red group was taking over the main sail today while blue group had the jib and staysail and the white group had foresail. All groups preformed really well today for the first time the students took over the ship with little input from the green group of original crew.
The weather today for sailing was cloudy, and windy. The wind was at over 20 knots and the ship heeled over to more than 10 degrees on an angle there was a point that some crew members used the deck as a slide to get to one of the backstays. It didn’t rain today but the ocean could have mistaken us, the ocean was non-stop pelting water, wave after wave. We didn’t end up reaching our original destination but we stopped into a nice bay along the way. The bay is very quiet and away from the wind. Tomorrow the expected time of departure is after hot breakfast which is at around 7.00 o’clock am and we would like to arrive at Airlie Beach before lunch.
Tonight we had a concert which consisted of singing, dancing, magic tricks, and yelling. We finally heard one of our teachers sing for the first time it was, surprisingly, really good. The singing was in harmony and was duo with a guitar and multiple people almost like a choir. Magic tricks were made with cards and unexpected plot twists. There were a few people on the ukulele and a few people dancing along to the music being made. Tonight was a very eventful night with everyone having a great time and having to go home and have a proper shower, in their own bed, with nice warm clothes, and not be rocking around all the time unexpectedly.
Overall this trip was very interesting, our group learnt so much about sailing, navigating, working as a team, and becoming a leader to make sure that the objective at the end of the day was reached. Throughout this trip all of the people have grown closer to each other and learnt more about each other as well as learning leadership skills and team building skills. The South Passage trip was very experiencing and we have all enjoyed our time aboard the vessel.