CLIENT: Voyage of Friends
FROM: Townsville to Cairns
DATE: 14 June 2022
POSITION: Mourilyan Harbour
REPORT BY: Red Watch
The day commenced with an awful racket being made by Blue Watch, who saw fit to inhabit the deck and practice their knot tying with a noise to rival the predictably painful bugle performance at 6.30am. Despite several more people braving the dubious ‘soil the bed’ hot sauce of the previous day, there were no midnight accidents to report.
Knot tying (clove hitch and sheet bend) had variable results with Blue watch being usurped for the win of the clove hitch by White team, though they still managed to perform well in sheet bend, possibly due to the frayed nerves of the other sleep deprived watches. Red team are still sticking to the approach of slow and steady wins the race, which will undoubtedly prevail in the end.
Following first and second breakfasts, many of the crew went ashore on Dunk Island to walk, swim, laze in the sun and enjoy the wonderful hot showers under the disturbingly watchful eye of Dunk Island labourers who were working on the amenities block roof. Mt Kootooloo was an opportunity to enjoy beautiful views and lovely pristine rainforest.
After a delicious lunch of wraps and salad, the sails were raised for a highly enjoyable sail to the calm haven Mourilyan Harbour, where we anchored for the evening. Dinner of a delectable chicken stirfry was punctuated by nerves and anticipation of the South Passage Soiree Extravaganza planned for this evening.